Policy Research and Market Research

Funneling your research questions into answers

How can I support you?

If you have a project within the public policy or market research space, below are the services I provide to support you. 

Survey Design

Writing/editing surveys to ensure they provide a good respondent experience and provide the data you need.

Data Analysis

Analyzing data to find the most important and actionable insights.

Data Visualizations

Turning raw data into beautiful visualizations that make the data easier to understand and faster to read.

Platform Selection

Assessing various survey platforms to help you choose the best one for your needs and budget.

Survey Programming

Building and testing surveys onto the platform of your choice.


Writing, designing, and editing presentations to share key insights, patterns, and recommended next steps.

Policy Research

Thoroughly researching policy issues on a local, state, national, or global level.

Writing & Editing

Writing summaries, briefs, or more detailed analyses.


Not sure where to start? Book a consultation to talk through your questions and how I might be able to support.

Would you like to start a project with me?

Use the ‘Email Me’ button or click on the ‘Contact’ tab to reach out. 

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